20 : 20 : 18

Senior full-stack engineer (product) based in Europe, working remotely, and building software that scales for users that need it .

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  • Frontend: React, React Native, Astro, Solid
  • Backend: Next.js, trpc, Express, Elysia, Flask
  • UI/Styling/Animations: Radix, shadcn/ui, TailwindCSS, framer-motion
  • Databases: Supabase, PostgresSQL, MySQL, PlanetScale
  • Programming Languages: TypeScript, JavaScript, Python
  • Design/no-code: Figma, Framer, Spline

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Branding, design, full-stack developmentSnow Fox Art
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Snow Fox Art | Studio

Branding, design, full-stack developmentSnow Fox Art
View website